A. Sahib El-Radhi, James Carroll, Nigel Klein, "Clinical Manual of Fever in Children"
Springer | 2008-12-16 | ISBN: 3540785973 | 318 pages | PDF | 3,4 MB
Family doctors, pediatricians and other professionals who deal with children are regularly consulted because of febrile children. During the past few years remarkable advances on this subject of fever have been made. Among others, this book covers: - Different types of fever with possible complications, - Hyperthermia and their management, - Management of fever with guidelines on antipyretics and their side effects, - Complimentary medicine and fever, - Differential diagnosis of fever, with problem-setting and solving as a case presentation. This reader-friendly reference on the disorders of body temperature in children covers the entire spectrum of subjects related to fever. It gives an overview of the best treatment options in order to achieve the best results.
Clinical Manual of Fever in Children
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Clinical Manual of Fever in Children
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