Harald, M.D. Theml, "Color Atlas of Hematology"
Ge org Thie me Ve rlag | Pages: 198 | 2004 | ISBN: 1588901939, 3136731026 | PDF | 5,3 MB
A Flexibook for both the specialist and non-specialist, the new book offers accessible information on hematology in a succinct format. In addition to providing basic methodology, the book utilizes more than 260 color illustrations to detail the most up-to-date clinical procedures. Numerous tables and flow charts are included to assist in differential diagnosis, making this a valuable didactic reference for nurses, practicing physicians and residents preparing for board examinations.
Harald, M.D. Theml, "Color Atlas of Hematology"
Harald, M.D. Theml, "Color Atlas of Hematology"
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