HIV Protocols (Methods in Molecular Medicine)
Publisher: Humana Press | ISBN: 0896033694 | edition 1999 | PDF | 402 pages | 20,5 mb
This collection of cutting-edge techniques is essential for studying the molecular biology, virology, and immunology of the HIV virus. The methods cover a broad range of research interests, including quantitation of viral genomes, HIV promoter function, B-cell epitope mapping, viral coreceptor usage, and measurements of T-cell function. Special emphasis is accorded to studying those viral and host immune responses to infection that will be critical to the design of effective preventive vaccines. HIV Protocols is the first HIV methods book to concentrate equally on virology, molecular biology, and immunology, as well as to incorporate methods on chemokine receptor structure and function.
HIV Protocols (Methods in Molecular Medicine)
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HIV Protocols (Methods in Molecular Medicine)
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