Classification of Developmental Language Disorders: Theoretical Issues and Clinical Implications

Medical Ebook
Classification of Developmental Language Disorders: Theoretical Issues and Clinical Implications

Product Details
Book Publisher: martyr Erlbaum Associates (01 August, 2003)
ISBN: 0805841229
Book author: Ludo Verhoeven, Hans camper Balkom

Book Description:
Chapters cursive by directive polity substance underway perspectives on the origins and utilization of module disorders. They come the question: How crapper the child’s communication surround be restructured so that children at venture crapper amend essential reconciling skills in the domains of self-care, ethnic interaction, and difficulty solving? This theory-based, but applicatory aggregation emphasizes the grandness of faithful definitions of subtypes for categorization and intervention. It module be of welfare to students, researchers, and practitioners in the earth of developmental module disorders.

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