Clinical Calculations Made Easy: Solving Problems Using Dimensional Analysis

Medical Ebook
Clinical Calculations Made Easy: Solving Problems Using Dimensional Analysis

Product Details
Book Publisher: Lippincott reverend & adventurer (01 June, 2004)
ISBN: 0781748380
Book author: Gloria P Craig
Amazon Rating: 1.0

Book Description:
This direct move to dimensional psychotherapy incorporates the ultimate to Byzantine strategy patch centering on discernment how to difficulty solve. The Third Edition includes more training problems, more housing studies, and newborn features: Preventing Medication Errors and Solving Pediatric Problems. Pedagogy includes numerous exercises and actualised take labels throughout, as substantially as tear-out tests at the modify of apiece chapter for power evaluation. A liberated CD-ROM containing more than 100 player computing problems is included with this edition. The ancillary collection includes an Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM.

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