Illustrated Manual of Pediatric Dermatology: Diagnosis and Management

Medical Ebook
Illustrated Manual of Pediatric Dermatology: Diagnosis and Management

Publisher: Informa Healthcare
Number Of Pages: 430
Publication Date: 2005-03-28
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1850707537
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781850707530
Binding: Hardcover

Product Description:
Written by digit reputable clinician-teachers in medicine dermatology with a amount of thirty-five eld experience, Handbook of Pediatric Dermatology presents simple, base approaches to problems that pediatricians and dermatologists wager in their training on a lawful basis. With roughly 300 colouration photographs, it provides a characteristic pass to a panoptic arrange of medicine and juvenile wound diseases and disorders. The compounding of photographs and practical, apothegmatic book gives medicine and kinsfolk doctors a seeable meaning and puts the aggregation they requirement correct at their fingertips.

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