The SAGES Manual: Fundamentals of Laparoscopy, Thoracoscopy and GI Endoscopy

Medical Ebook
The SAGES Manual: Fundamentals of Laparoscopy, Thoracoscopy and GI Endoscopy

Product Details
Book Publisher: Springer (11 October, 2005)
ISBN: 0387232672
Book author: Carol E.H. Scott-Conner
Amazon Rating: 5.0

Book Description:
THE SAGES MANUAL: FUNDAMENTALS OF LAPAROSCOPY AND GI ENDOSCOPY is a artist in the making–a portable, concise, beautifully illustrated drill from the world’s pioneering gild of minimally intrusive surgery. This aggregation provides an official precis of the field laparoscopic and endoscopic procedures in easy-to-use, summary form. It is an dead staleness hit meaning for the generalized surgery doc on call or as a class before procedures. The laparoscopic country reviews the essential principle of laparoscopic surgery, including equipment ordered up, admittance to the abdomen, generating and maintaining the employed space, and the principles of laparoscopic hemostasis. All the field and aborning laparoscopic generalized surgery procedures are included and aggregation on indications, enduring activity and position, and the step-by-step functioning framework are featured for apiece operation. Topics allow laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic viscus surgery, characteristic laparoscopy and biopsy, laparoscopic ordinary bile funiculus exploration, laparoscopic herniation repair, and medicine laparoscopy. The endoscopic country reviews gastrointestinal endoscopy for the generalized surgeon. A analyse of the generalized principles of pliant endoscopy features attributes of pliant scopes, equipment ordered up, orbit direction and tending of scopes, semiconscious administration and monitoring, and place machine management. Indications, enduring preparation, and techniques are distinct for a panoramic difference of procedures including bunk gastrointestinal endoscopy, diminutive viscus enteroscopy, endoscopic recap cholangiopancreatography, choledochoscopy, pliant sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, and medicine endoscopy. Every laparoscopic and endoscopic machine is followed by a country on the acceptance and direction of complications–a must-read inventiveness for every generalized surgery residents and fellows. Over 175 illustrations explicate the functioning procedures, understandably inform trocar placement, and vindicate the functioning steps. As minimally intrusive approaches tie the mainstream of generalized surgery, The SAGES Manual is an whole factor to the upbringing of every generalized surgeon.

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